In Yemen, Pakistan and elsewhere the C.I.A. has used drones to kill thousands of people — including several Americans. Officials have aggressively defended the controversial program, telling journalists that it is effective, lawful and closely supervised. But in court, the Central Intelligence Agency refuses even to acknowledge that the targeted killing program exists. The agency’s […]
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- rendition
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- Somalia
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- surveillance
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- Yemen
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- Zwitserland
Man suspected of shooting wife and daughter dead linked to US payout for Raymond Davis killings A relative holds a picture of Faizan Haider, a 21-year-old Pakistani man whose family received a payout after he was killed by CIA contractor Raymond Davis. Photograph: Declan Walsh for the Guardian In a neighbourhood where houses can cost […]
lees meerForces should not probe their own officers, says IPCC chief as shocking figures come to light The new head of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has questioned the ability of forces to investigate their own officers for corruption after it emerged that more than 8,500 allegations of wrongdoing resulted in just 13 criminal convictions. […]
lees meerA developer for encrypted chat application “Cryptocat” has recently claimed that he was detained and interrogated at the US border. Apparently, border guards took his passport and interrogated him about the application, demanding to know “which algorithms Cryptocat used and about its censorship resistance.” A developer of an encrypted chat program is making some dramatic […]
lees meerSlachtoffer van diefstal, gewapende overval of seksueel misbruik? Dikke kans dat de daders nooit worden gepakt. De opsporing van criminelen is de afgelopen jaren steeds verder verminderd. Vooral sinds de politie de beschikking heeft gekregen over een nieuw, centraal computersysteem stapelen ook de onopgeloste zwaardere delicten zich op. Korpschef van Hollands Midden J. Stikvoort zegt […]
lees meerVanuit de samenleving komt er een steeds grotere roep om onze straten en wijken veiliger te krijgen, maar de politie kan het niet aan. Daarom surveilleren er steeds vaker particuliere beveiligers door woonwijken, ze houden toezicht in winkels en ze worden ingehuurd om grote evenementen te beveiligen. Inmiddels is het aantal beveiligers uitgegroeid tot zo’n […]
lees meerDe droom van elke orde handhaver: cameratoezicht. Het bespaart een hoop geld en mankracht. Ruim 120 van de 431 Nederlandse gemeenten hebben al jarenlang cameratoezicht. In het regeerakkoord kondigde het kabinet Rutte aan dat er meer camera’s moeten komen. Ook moeten de camera’s intelligenter worden. Maar helpt het eigenlijk wel? Wat weten we over de […]
lees meerKerstavond 2010. De nationale recherche heeft een ambtsbericht van de inlichtingendienst AIVD gekregen waarin staat dat de Somalische terreurbeweging Al Shabaab van plan is met de kerst een aanslag te plegen in Nederland. De tijd dringt, want het bericht van de AIVD is pas op vrijdag 24 december ter beschikking gesteld aan de nationale recherche. […]
lees meerDe Commissie van Toezicht op Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdiensten (CTIVD) bestaat 10 jaar. Die commissie ziet erop toe dat de inlichtingendiensten geen wettelijke regels overtreden. In Argos een terugblik op 10 jaar CTIVD aan de hand van spraakmakende zaken zoals de moord op Theo van Gogh en de zaak van de Marokkaanse jongen Sadik Sbaa. Met […]
lees meerDe gemeente Amsterdam wil criminaliteit bestrijden op de Amsterdamse wallen door coffeeshops en prostitutieramen te sluiten. Afl 1: Documentaire. De gemeente Amsterdam wil criminaliteit bestrijden op de Amsterdamse wallen door coffeeshops en prostitutieramen te sluiten. Frans Bromet volgt de bedreigde ondernemers, zoals raamexploitant Slim die trots is op zijn ‘vijfsterrenkamers’. Afl 2: Frans Bromet volgt de […]
lees meerThe Central Intelligence Agency is preparing to cut its presence in Iraq to less than half of wartime levels, according to U.S. officials familiar with the planning, a move that is largely a result of challenges the CIA faces operating in a country that no longer welcomes a major U.S. presence. Under the plans being […]
lees meer“For four years now, Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office and intelligence services have been recording what they call a ‘spectrum of potentially violent left-wing extremism in Europe’. The police and intelligence services are applying the dubious term ‘Euroanarchy’ to their work in this area. Not only are they creating a secret political database, they are […]
lees meerA damaging cyberattack against Iran’s nuclear program was the work of U.S. and Israeli experts and proceeded under the secret orders of President Obama, who was eager to slow that nation’s apparent progress toward building an atomic bomb without launching a traditional military attack, say current and former U.S. officials. The origins of the cyberweapon, […]
lees meerA Russian court has convicted a reserve colonel of spying on behalf of the United States and sentenced him to 12 years in prison, the country’s intelligence agency said Thursday. Vladimir Lazar would be sent to a high-security prison and stripped of his military rank, the Federal Security Service said in a statement. Prosecutors alleged […]
lees meerUS government withholding 250,000 pages of damage assessment reports relating to WikiLeaks transmission Bradley Manning is charged with 22 counts connected to the largest leak of state secrets in US history. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images The US government is in possession of 250,000 pages of documents relating to the transmission of state secrets to whistleblower […]
lees meerUse of terrorism-related charges by police stem from infiltration, provocation according to defense attorneys Chicago, IL – Three NATO protesters were brought before a bond judge today on charges of possession of explosives or incendiary devices, material support for terrorism, and conspiracy. For the first time since a Wednesday night raid on a Bridgeport home […]
lees meerDepartment of Homeland Security forced to release list following freedom of information request Agency insists it only looks for evidence of genuine threats to the U.S. and not for signs of general dissent Revealing: A list of keywords used by government analysts to scour the internet for evidence of threats to the U.S. has been […]
lees meerThe Pentagon is expanding and making permanent a trial program that teams the government with Internet service providers to protect defense firms’ computer networks against data theft by foreign adversaries. It is part of a larger effort to broaden the sharing of classified and unclassified cyberthreat data between the government and industry in what Defense […]
lees meerFor almost three decades after Fidel Castro took power, Cuba’s budding intelligence service fielded four dozen double agents in a world-class operation under the nose of the CIA, according to a new book by a veteran CIA analyst. It was not until June 1987, when a Cuban spy defected to the U.S. Embassy in Vienna, […]
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