In the aftermath of the Jan. 6 insurrection, the FBI told Congress and the American people that the agency had failed to prevent or fully prepare for the worst attack on the U.S. Capitol in more than 200 years in part because it lacked the authority and capabilities to more aggressively monitor social media, where much of the planning for the insurrection took place.
- advocaat
- Afghanistan
- afluisteren
- Africa
- Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (Abin)
- Airbus
- AIVD, Alg. Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst
- Algeria
- Altegrity Inc.
- Amesys
- Amsterdam
- anarchism
- Angola
- ANPR, Automatic Number Plate Recognition
- Anthrax
- Apalachee
- apartheid
- arab spring
- Argentina
- arms trade / wapenhandel
- ASIO, Australian Security Intelligence Org.
- Australia
- Austria / Oostenrijk
- automatisering
- Azerbaijan
- B.amt für Verf.schutz Terror.bekämpf. (BVT)
- BAE Systems
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Barrett Brown
- Belarus
- België
- bestuurlijke dwang
- BIBOB, bev. integrit.beoordel. openb. best.
- BKA, Bundeskriminalamt
- Black Lives Matter
- Black Panthers
- Blackwater
- BND, Bundesnachrichtendienst
- Bob Lambert / Bob Robinson
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- border control
- Boundless Informant
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV)
- Caci International Inc.
- Cambodia
- cameratoezicht
- Canada
- Capitalism
- Carnivore, DCS-1000
- CBP, Col. bescherming persoonsgegevens
- CCTV, Closed-circuit TV, cameratoezicht
- Cellebrite
- Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI)
- Chad
- Chelsea Manning
- Chemical weapons
- Chile
- China
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CIE, Criminele Inlichtingen Eenheid
- Climate talks
- Cointelpro
- Cold War / Koude Oorlog
- Colombia
- Com. Security Establish. Canada, CSEC
- Computer Sciences Corporation, CSC
- Congo
- corporations/bedrijven
- corruption
- CSIS, Canadian Security Intelligence Ser.
- CTIVD, Com. Toez. Inlicht.- Veiligh.dienst
- Cuba
- cyber security
- cyber war
- dactyloscopy / fingerprint identification
- Dassault Systèmes
- data exchange
- Data Intercept Technology Unit, DITU
- DCRI, Dir. cent. du Renseignement int.
- DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration
- Defence Signals Directorate, DSD
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denmark
- deportation
- deskundigen
- DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency
- Diego Garcia
- dierenrechten / animal rights
- Djibouti
- Döner-Morde
- drones
- Duitsland
- dwangarbeid
- Dyncorp
- Echelon
- economische spionage
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Elbit Systems
- encryption
- Ercom-Suneris
- ethnic profiling
- EU, European Union
- European External Action Service
- Europol
- Extinction Rebellion
- extreemrechts
- Falklands
- FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Foreign Security Administration (Tunisia)
- Fox-IT
- France
- fraude
- Freedom of Information Act
- Freezing of assets
- Frontex
- FSB, Federal Security Service (Russia)
- G4S, Group4securicor
- G7 G8 G20
- GCHQ, Gov. Com. Headquarters (UK)
- GCSB, Gov. Com. Security Bur. (N. Zealand)
- Genie
- genocide
- Gladio
- Greece
- grondrechten
- Groupe Bull
- Guantanamo Bay
- Guatemala
- Hauptstelle für Befragungswesen HBW
- Heeres-Abwehramt (HAA oder HabwA)
- Heeresnachrichtenamt (HNaA oder HNA)
- Hezbollah
- Hollywood
- Homeland Security
- Iceland
- In-Q-Tel
- India
- Indonesia
- industrial/economic espionage
- industry
- informanten/infiltranten
- Inlichting/Veiligheid/dienst (WIV)
- inlichtingen(operatie(s))
- internet surveillance
- interrogation/verhoor
- IRA, Irish Republican Army
- Iran
- Iran – Contra Affair
- Iraq
- Ireland
- ISI, Inter-Services Intelligence (Pakistan)
- Islamic State (IS)
- ISNU – the Israeli Sigint National Unit
- Israël
- Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
- ISS World Telestrategies Fair
- Italy
- Japan
- Jeremy Hammond
- Jordan
- journalisten
- Kenya
- KGB see FSB
- KLPD, Korps Landelijke Politie Diensten
- KMar, Koninklijke Marechaussee
- Kurds
- L-3 Communications
- Laos
- Leak(s)
- Lebanon
- Libya
- lobbying
- Lockheed Martin
- Lustre
- Luxemburg
- MacAulay-Brown
- Maldives
- Mali
- Mark Kennedy
- Mauritania
- mercenaries/huurlingen
- Metropolitan Police / Scotland Yard
- Mexico
- MI5, The Security Service (Mili. Int. Sect. 5)
- MI6, Secret Int. Service (Mili. Int. Sect. 6)
- Micro Systemation AB
- migration
- Militärischer Abschirmdienst (MAD)
- military in general
- Military Intelligence
- Military Reaction Force
- Millî Istihbarat Teşkilâti (MIT) Turkey
- Ministerie van Defensie MoD
- Ministry of State Security (MSS)
- MIVD, Militaire Inlicht.- en Veiligheidsdienst
- Morocco
- Mossad
- multi nationals
- Mystic
- National Intelligence Service (South Korea)
- National Security Administration (Tunisia)
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Nazis
- NCTV (Nat. Coord. Terror. en Veiligheid)
- NDB, Nachrichtendienst des Bundes
- Nederland
- Nestlé
- New Zealand
- Nexa Technologies
- NR, Nationale Recherche
- NSA, National Security Agency
- nuclear power
- Openbaarheid van Bestuur (Wob)
- opsporing
- Org. Petro. Export. Coun.
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Panama
- Panama Papers
- particuliere beveiliging
- Pentagon
- Philippines
- Poland
- police cooperation
- Police judiciare
- politie
- politieke partijen
- preventief fouilleren
- Prism
- prisons gevangenissen
- Private Security Companies (PSC)
- privatisation
- Project Paperclip
- protesters
- Providence Equity Partners LLC
- provocateur
- proxy war
- Prüm
- Qatar
- Raytheon
- RCMP, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- refugees vluchtelingen
- Regionale inlichtingendienst RID
- Renault
- rendition
- Ruffle
- Russia
- Rwanda
- Rwanda's foreign intel. serv.
- sanctions
- Säpo Säkerhetspolisen
- Sardine
- Saudi Arabia
- schendingen van grondrechten
- Schengen
- scientists
- SDS Special Demonstration Squad
- Securitas AG
- sexual harassment
- Silverzephyr
- Singapore
- Skype
- social media surveillance
- Somalget
- Somalia
- SOS International SOSi
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Special Branch
- Special Collection Service SCS
- Spyware
- Sri Lanka
- Staatsveiligheid
- Stasi
- Stateroom
- Stephen Lawrence
- stop and search operation
- Stratfor
- students
- Sudan
- Suojelupoliisi (Supo)
- surveillance
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Taiwan
- taser gun
- Technical Services Division (TSD)
- telecom providers
- telefoontap/eavesdropping
- Tempora
- Terrorism
- terrorist lists UN EU US
- Thailand
- Thales
- The Asia Foundation
- The Kissinger Cables
- the Media
- toezicht geheime diensten CTIVD
- torture
- trade union / vakbond
- Tulsa Massacre
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- United Kingdom UK
- United Nations (UN)
- United States of America USA
- United States SIGINT System USSS
- Uzbekistan
- Vastech
- Venezuela
- Verint
- Vietnam
- voetbal
- war on drugs
- war on migration
- war on terror
- whistleblower
- Wikileaks
- XKeyscore
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
- Zweden
- Zwitserland
One of the more insidious aspects of Israel’s military dictatorship in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is its blanket monitoring of Palestinian social networks and other forms of communication via the internet. This often leads to arrests being made. A recent report by 7amleh, the Arab Centre for Social Media Advancement, names 21 Palestinians who have been imprisoned or detained by Israel for their posts on Facebook.
An ongoing narrative popular among Israeli propagandists in the past few years blames the nebulous concept of “incitement” for the phenomenon of Palestinians fighting back against Israel’s brutal occupation forces. A Mossad proxy organisation misleadingly known as the “Israel Law Centre” (aka Shurat HaDin) has even launched lawsuits against Facebook for supposedly facilitating terrorism. A US federal court threw the billion-dollar case out in May.
Last year, Israel’s anti-BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) minister Gilad Erdan claimed that Israeli blood was “on the hands of Facebook” and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Shurat HaDin even organised a campaign to raise money for a billboard that would have been erected outside Zuckerberg’s home.
Predictive Policing: “Falsches” Facebook-Posting führt in Israel oft zu Haft
Palästinensische Aktivisten haben rund 800 Fälle dokumentiert, in denen junge Leute in Israel wegen Facebook-Äußerungen festgenommen wurden. Auf der Konferenz von ertönte der Ruf nach einer “Gemeinwohlförderung” von Algorithmen.
Marwa Fatafta vom Arab Center for Social Media Advancement 7amleh hat am Freitag auf der vierten Konferenz von in Berlin ein düsteres Bild von “Predictive Policing” in Israel gezeichnet. Seit Oktober 2015 habe die palästinensische Organisation rund 800 Fälle dokumentiert, in denen junge Leute wegen Facebook-Postings verhaftet worden seien, erklärte die Aktivistin. Die Betroffenen verschwänden oft einfach einige Monate im Gefängnis, ohne dass ihnen ein ordentlicher Prozess gemacht werde.
Israeli officials are drafting legislation to force social media networks to ‘rein in’ racially-charged content, raising legal and ethical issues
Israel and Facebook will begin working together to tackle posts on the social media platform that incite violence, a senior Israeli cabinet minister has said.
A spate of high-profile new attacks on Israelis in the past 12 months have been incited by inflammatory posts on Facebook, the government argues, which is why legislation to compel the company to delete posts that encourage violent behaviour is on the books.
Representatives from Facebook met with government ministers last week, including interior minister Gilad Erdan and justice minister Ayelet Shaked, who have repeatedly called on the company to do more to monitor and control content.
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There are many ups and downs about improvements in technology. We have, undoubtedly, become more enamoured with its ability to make our lives easier, and more informed in ways we never thought possible. Everything has been digitized, and there are so many forms of communication, it’s no wonder the home telephone has collected dust.
People have come to see multi-tasking as a virtue, and so have required companies to make communication easier and faster. Facebook Messenger, for instance, has become a powerful tool for people to connect with each other. It was discovered back in April that 900 million people use Messenger every month, and millions of them are chatting with strangers, friends, family, and getting in touch with businesses. Essentially, information, valuable and personal, is being shared.