The project was created by Angelina Matson to be an online informational resource for individuals looking to pursue criminology-related education and careers. As a vast and interesting field, we delve into the meat of criminological thought and have also collected information like the job prospects for those with a degree in criminology to what an actual criminology education is composed of. As a fairly new project, those of us behind it are always trying to improve. With that said, please drop us a line on the contact page to give us suggestions for new articles or resources, or have questions answered.
- advocaat
- Afghanistan
- afluisteren
- Africa
- Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (Abin)
- Airbus
- AIVD, Alg. Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst
- Algeria
- Altegrity Inc.
- Amesys
- Amsterdam
- anarchism
- Angola
- ANPR, Automatic Number Plate Recognition
- Anthrax
- Apalachee
- apartheid
- arab spring
- Argentina
- arms trade / wapenhandel
- ASIO, Australian Security Intelligence Org.
- Australia
- Austria / Oostenrijk
- automatisering
- Azerbaijan
- B.amt für Verf.schutz Terror.bekämpf. (BVT)
- BAE Systems
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Barrett Brown
- Belarus
- België
- bestuurlijke dwang
- BIBOB, bev. integrit.beoordel. openb. best.
- BKA, Bundeskriminalamt
- Black Lives Matter
- Black Panthers
- Blackwater
- BND, Bundesnachrichtendienst
- Bob Lambert / Bob Robinson
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- border control
- Boundless Informant
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV)
- Caci International Inc.
- Cambodia
- cameratoezicht
- Canada
- Capitalism
- Carnivore, DCS-1000
- CBP, Col. bescherming persoonsgegevens
- CCTV, Closed-circuit TV, cameratoezicht
- Cellebrite
- Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI)
- Chad
- Chelsea Manning
- Chemical weapons
- Chile
- China
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CIE, Criminele Inlichtingen Eenheid
- Climate talks
- Cointelpro
- Cold War / Koude Oorlog
- Colombia
- Com. Security Establish. Canada, CSEC
- Computer Sciences Corporation, CSC
- Congo
- corporations/bedrijven
- corruption
- CSIS, Canadian Security Intelligence Ser.
- CTIVD, Com. Toez. Inlicht.- Veiligh.dienst
- Cuba
- cyber security
- cyber war
- dactyloscopy / fingerprint identification
- Dassault Systèmes
- data exchange
- Data Intercept Technology Unit, DITU
- DCRI, Dir. cent. du Renseignement int.
- DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration
- Defence Signals Directorate, DSD
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denmark
- deportation
- deskundigen
- DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency
- Diego Garcia
- dierenrechten / animal rights
- Djibouti
- Döner-Morde
- drones
- Duitsland
- dwangarbeid
- Dyncorp
- Echelon
- economische spionage
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Elbit Systems
- encryption
- Ercom-Suneris
- ethnic profiling
- EU, European Union
- European External Action Service
- Europol
- Extinction Rebellion
- extreemrechts
- Falklands
- FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Foreign Security Administration (Tunisia)
- Fox-IT
- France
- fraude
- Freedom of Information Act
- Freezing of assets
- Frontex
- FSB, Federal Security Service (Russia)
- G4S, Group4securicor
- G7 G8 G20
- GCHQ, Gov. Com. Headquarters (UK)
- GCSB, Gov. Com. Security Bur. (N. Zealand)
- Genie
- genocide
- Gladio
- Greece
- grondrechten
- Groupe Bull
- Guantanamo Bay
- Guatemala
- Hauptstelle für Befragungswesen HBW
- Heeres-Abwehramt (HAA oder HabwA)
- Heeresnachrichtenamt (HNaA oder HNA)
- Hezbollah
- Hollywood
- Homeland Security
- Iceland
- In-Q-Tel
- India
- Indonesia
- industrial/economic espionage
- industry
- informanten/infiltranten
- Inlichting/Veiligheid/dienst (WIV)
- inlichtingen(operatie(s))
- internet surveillance
- interrogation/verhoor
- IRA, Irish Republican Army
- Iran
- Iran – Contra Affair
- Iraq
- Ireland
- ISI, Inter-Services Intelligence (Pakistan)
- Islamic State (IS)
- ISNU – the Israeli Sigint National Unit
- Israël
- Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
- ISS World Telestrategies Fair
- Italy
- Japan
- Jeremy Hammond
- Jordan
- journalisten
- Kenya
- KGB see FSB
- KLPD, Korps Landelijke Politie Diensten
- KMar, Koninklijke Marechaussee
- Kurds
- L-3 Communications
- Laos
- Leak(s)
- Lebanon
- Libya
- lobbying
- Lockheed Martin
- Lustre
- Luxemburg
- MacAulay-Brown
- Maldives
- Mali
- Mark Kennedy
- Mauritania
- mercenaries/huurlingen
- Metropolitan Police / Scotland Yard
- Mexico
- MI5, The Security Service (Mili. Int. Sect. 5)
- MI6, Secret Int. Service (Mili. Int. Sect. 6)
- Micro Systemation AB
- migration
- Militärischer Abschirmdienst (MAD)
- military in general
- Military Intelligence
- Military Reaction Force
- Millî Istihbarat Teşkilâti (MIT) Turkey
- Ministerie van Defensie MoD
- Ministry of State Security (MSS)
- MIVD, Militaire Inlicht.- en Veiligheidsdienst
- Morocco
- Mossad
- multi nationals
- Mystic
- National Intelligence Service (South Korea)
- National Security Administration (Tunisia)
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Nazis
- NCTV (Nat. Coord. Terror. en Veiligheid)
- NDB, Nachrichtendienst des Bundes
- Nederland
- Nestlé
- New Zealand
- Nexa Technologies
- NR, Nationale Recherche
- NSA, National Security Agency
- nuclear power
- Openbaarheid van Bestuur (Wob)
- opsporing
- Org. Petro. Export. Coun.
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Panama
- Panama Papers
- particuliere beveiliging
- Pentagon
- Philippines
- Poland
- police cooperation
- Police judiciare
- politie
- politieke partijen
- preventief fouilleren
- Prism
- prisons gevangenissen
- Private Security Companies (PSC)
- privatisation
- Project Paperclip
- protesters
- Providence Equity Partners LLC
- provocateur
- proxy war
- Prüm
- Qatar
- Raytheon
- RCMP, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- refugees vluchtelingen
- Regionale inlichtingendienst RID
- Renault
- rendition
- Ruffle
- Russia
- Rwanda
- Rwanda's foreign intel. serv.
- sanctions
- Säpo Säkerhetspolisen
- Sardine
- Saudi Arabia
- schendingen van grondrechten
- Schengen
- scientists
- SDS Special Demonstration Squad
- Securitas AG
- sexual harassment
- Silverzephyr
- Singapore
- Skype
- social media surveillance
- Somalget
- Somalia
- SOS International SOSi
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Special Branch
- Special Collection Service SCS
- Spyware
- Sri Lanka
- Staatsveiligheid
- Stasi
- Stateroom
- Stephen Lawrence
- stop and search operation
- Stratfor
- students
- Sudan
- Suojelupoliisi (Supo)
- surveillance
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Taiwan
- taser gun
- Technical Services Division (TSD)
- telecom providers
- telefoontap/eavesdropping
- Tempora
- Terrorism
- terrorist lists UN EU US
- Thailand
- Thales
- The Asia Foundation
- The Kissinger Cables
- the Media
- toezicht geheime diensten CTIVD
- torture
- trade union / vakbond
- Tulsa Massacre
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- United Kingdom UK
- United Nations (UN)
- United States of America USA
- United States SIGINT System USSS
- Uzbekistan
- Vastech
- Venezuela
- Verint
- Vietnam
- voetbal
- war on drugs
- war on migration
- war on terror
- whistleblower
- Wikileaks
- XKeyscore
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
- Zweden
- Zwitserland
13 juni 2012